Wednesday Walk | Enjoying the late-autumn sun light

When you live in the mountains, and it is the late autumn, usually covered with fogs and mists, and then the Sun suddenly starts to shine like it is the late spring instead, you have to go outside and absorb as much as possible from that blessing!

Let me share with you some of the beauties of that lovely medieval town of Sorano, Italy, bathing in the unexpectedly warm rays.

Indeed, Sun may be shy at this period of the year. This, however, makes it even more precious, right?

The reflections and shadows it creates are beautiful to watch and warm to feel.

Protection and blessing to the home and the passing by people.

Two guys, smoking cigarettes, taking terms on that small window:

Obviously, also enjoying the perfect weather for that short moment of time. One of them was friendling, waving with his arm, the other one, did not express any feeling towards my attempts to photograph the building with him included :)

The rare moments when a plane brakes the silence:

It is not all roses though. Here and there some ugly stuff exists, like the garbage on the roof of that building. I always wonder why do people do this. Is this their destructive part? Or is it their "I care of nothing" part. I don't know. I gave up trying to understand that impulse and it is always sad to see such traces of human behavior...

However, it's awesome to see that the creative people prevail here and some of their art greets the thirsty tourist, all day long. Or wait, are they just guarding the entrance of that home from the evil forces? ;)

The facade of the main county building looks great with that backlight, isn't it. Such a pleasure to explore the artistic architectural details presented on that front side!

More guardians of eternity:

The bell of the bell-tower, waiting for its hour, and the humble iron cross on top of it:

And then, the silent old lady, deep into her thoughts in such a noble way.
Later on I found out who she was waiting for, scroll below to find out yourself ;)

It seems to me that some of those stone buildings are never touched by the sun light. Perhaps that's only my perception, as I have been desperately looking for more warmth here :)

Walking more around, I like that feeling of protection or call it shelter, that the town church walls provide to the stone home near it.

Man, I love the harmony of the roofs of the houses here! Somehow that makes me feel lighter!

Almost flying already, far away from simply walking:

Preparing the Christmas season blankets? :)

And here, just in about a couple of seconds, the pretty old lady is going to give a large smile, seeing her visitors - her grand-daughter with her parents.

Such a nice end to a walk, isn't it?

And now it's time to me to leave this beautiful medieval establishment and continue my trip around...

Have a sunny and wonderful Wednesday, all!

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Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong and let your muse be always on your shoulder!

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