Greetings my Friends,

I hope you are having a wonderful spring, better than us here in Canada. Although, it is finally warming up and Sunday when I took these photos, was sunny. Windy and cold, but at least sunny.


We were at the Marina in Oakville where my son in law was finishing the last touch ups. Couple months ago, he got good deal on a small 1970's sailboat that needed some TLC.

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He scraped and sanded all the exterior paint and did some work inside as well. Then he painted bright yellow! It looks really beautiful now and everybody in the Marina admires her. We are really happy with our new family member and cannot wait for warmer days. It should be soon now!

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The bottom of the boat is cobalt blue with yellow and black stripe above. The boys were helping painting as well. He is very handy man, but it's always nice to have his two little helpers



And now, the best part! Pulling off the tape! Yeah! So much fun!


To complete the exterior, we agreed on the name "Go Forth" and on the side it says Valparaiso, which is a seaport in Chile. My son in law is from Chile and that's why he picked this symbol. I think it is quite an elegant touch, what you think?


Sunday was still everything empty, but the boats were scheduled to go in the water this week. Our space was waiting for our boat here. As of now, it is already there and I will post my video of the big transportation event soon as I finish the editing. So please stand by, it was quite the process!!!


In the meantime I would like to show you the rest of the BRONTE HARBOUR marina. As you can see here, the cool speed boat of Marine Respond Unit. I am sure we will see it in action during the summer quite a lot.


I couldn't ignore the early spring flowers that were growing in the area. These are my first macro shots this year.


It is truly a beautiful place, however, I cannot wait to be back when everything is green.


Hardly noticeable Violets growing in the grass are so precious when you take a closer look.


Daffodils and Forsythia are exactly the yellow color of our boat. How amazing is that!




Red Maple Trees are flowering too and normally I would take macro as well. Unfortunately, they are slightly shriveled from frost, since this year is especially cold. Nevertheless, this view is amazing.



Few boats were already in water, which one of them especially caught our attention. The SHARK BOAT! Wow! Isn't that something, lol.


Our boys had a blast, riding their scooters besides other things. It was truly a great day.


At last, here is one of the few geese we saw. There is not too many of them around the board walk, since the dogs going crazy. Yeah lots of people are walking their dogs there and they are not friendly with geese. I saw some people struggling holding the leash tight while their dog was going crazy. Meanwhile the goose was not afraid, instead open their wings and went towards the dog, lol. I am curious what is the situation like at summer.


Well I guess, that is all for now, however this is only beginning. My family adventure with our YELLOW SAILBOAT will continue and I will keep you posted. I am so excited!
Thank you for visiting 💙⛵💙


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