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Playmates - Fun Time Of Childhood

Childhood is the golden time. Everyday is playtime. Every place is a playground. Kids make friends easily. They can get along with everyone from different cultural backgrounds. How happy we are if we can be kids' mindset in our society. No racism will come out of our mouths.
Kids can overcome every situation with joy. Rain is a joy. Daylight is a fun time too. They are smart creatures that we the adult destroy their mind with some doctrines.

How amazing kids when they make friends. They can play, fight, chat, joke and work together. They do not bring hate to their home. After they wake up in the morning, they will forget everything unpleasant of yesterday. Today is a fun day. They can start their relationship from zero feeling.

If all world leaders thought like children's mindsets, there would be no bloody wars that caused millions of people to die.