Snow in Vermont from Drone View

We had a few inches of snow this weekend. Supposed to get another 5-6 inches on Friday. While the roads were cleared well, the snow on the ground still hasn't melted from 2 weeks ago, so this is on top of probably 3 inches that was already on the ground. Starting to get up over the ankles now when trying to walk the puppy, and more difficult.


I shot all these from the nice, warm comfort of my office. It was a very chilly 1 Degree F this am (-17 C). I decided too cold to be out flying (I don't like flying with gloves as some of the controls not easily workable). I decided instead to just put the drone outside, then go back into the house and fly from there. I flew the drone and took pics from my nice office chair in the warmth! I didn't go too far since this was only second time flying this drone, and first time with the new RCPro controller. I did go out over three quarters of a mile (1.2km) with no issues and strong signal. Pretty impressive.
Dropped down low to catch the waterfall by bottom of the pond pictured above. Afraid to go much lower due to the trees.




I just love seeing animal tracks in the snow. Always fun to wake up and see what new visitors we had over the night. I suppose the snow shoes will be coming out soon. I've never tried them before, so that should be an adventure!

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