Our comeuppance!

What’s up, Hive? I’m almost down for the count. What I thought was allergies just hit me like a ton of bricks tonight that I do, in fact, have a flu. I’m laying here in bed now but as soon as this post is on the blockchain, I’m going to take a hot bath and try and wind down for a good night’s sleep. I’ve been languishing the last few days, super low energy so I’m going to dig up my Kindle and try to relax. I’m particularly bad at that but when I get hit with something like this, it’s a reminder that I need to slow down. I watched an episode of Stranger Things with @guthrie and @vermillionfox tonight and I do want some more time like this, especially while sick.

I did manage to work today. I picked @guthrie up from school and we made our way to @caffetto. He worked on his MacBook and I was able to edit a few photos for a client that I’ve owed edits to for a few weeks. This shoot was from June. I’ve shared a few other photos with her on Hive over the last couple of months. This shoot was booked in January of 2020. We had no idea what was right around the corner. She sent her deposit and we picked a date in April that naturally, never happened. Years later [literally], she came to Minneapolis for a conference this past June and we finally made good on our shoot.

We shot at one of my all time favorite locations at a Victorian bed and breakfast in Stillwater, MN. She booked hair with a vintage stylist here in the Twin Cities and I must say, she did a really good job. The time of day that we did this session couldn’t have been better. I love to mix light sources. Warm and cool in the same image. The mode took great direction and worked with me while I found my shots. It’s always an unpredictable process as I shoot dietetically, meaning that I don’t use any flashes or strobes. It takes a while but I feel, it comes with a very organic look in the end.

I have one more session still to come with this wonderful model. I’m working around the clock nonstop to finish the EOS Immutable Realms zine. I’m past deadline and even though I’m sick, I need to push through and get this out in to the world before the next season of Pomelo begins. A lot of people are waiting on it and I love how it’s turning out. It’s just time. It’s always time. The one currency always the most scarce in life. Thanks for reading. For more photography, art and the stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt. Good night!

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