First post in Photography Lovers!

Hello Photography Lovers!

I'm slowly putting together a little series of night shots as I come across the images in my hard drive that will fit the vibe. This is the second image.

Cape Schanck has some wonderful black volcanic rock that looks great at anytime of day. Rogue waves have been known to catch people unaware on these rocks. Even I would have been washed out had I not kept my eye on the ocean. I noticed a swell that was a little high and I quickly moved to higher ground, just in time to see where I was standing under a few feet of swirling water draining back out to sea. Always be cautious of walking on rocks that are wet. Chances are they'll get wet again and you don't want to be standing on them when that happens!


Below: This isn't the same exposure but the one above started out looking like this. This is maybe one or two frames away from the same daytime shoot.


If you want another example of this style of image, check out my post from a week ago!

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