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River when it's not flooded


This place where I was and walked around became the bottom of the river when it rained heavily and the river overflowed. The height of the overflowing river, which was flowing fast during the flood, could still be seen in some of the garbage that was still stuck in some bushes when it was washed away.

When the dry season has been going on for some time and there is very little rainfall, the river returns to normal, and sometimes it is very shallow. Some of the deeper parts of the riverbed are flooded and become like fish ponds.

The bushes grew back here and there. The insects began to occupy the space again. Butterflies and a number of predatory insects look busy with their respective activities. The Asian grass frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) hides in the grass near the fish pond.

On a sunny day, the atmosphere there becomes very clear like clear river water that reflects the sky and nature around it. Such a clear atmosphere when combined with the sound of gurgling water tripping over the river stones, it becomes a natural manifestation that reflects peace in the mind.

Hopefully these pictures can somehow help refresh you during your work breaks.