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They have always been the perfect synonym for strength, constancy and in some cases, by default, also hope.

Basic pillars on which the rest of the techniques and considerations of that great universal science, which is Architecture, rest, the columns also had their protagonism in the great myths of Humanity, such as that of Hercules, who by separating the two mountains that frame the Strait of Gibraltar, allowed two major communication routes to join: the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

Symbolically speaking, in addition and as in the case of the tree, they perfectly exercise the pontifical role of uniting heaven and earth.

For the Freemasons, they continue to be of vital importance and in their temples and ceremonies there is always a reference to the formidable Jakin and Boaz columns, key pieces of a masterpiece, as at the time was the famous Temple of Solomon.

Columns: Force and Constancy.

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