My visit to Piedra bonita

My visit to Piedra bonita

Hello friends of the community, this is the opportunity I will share with you part of the experience I had in Brazil; It was in his soccer world cup, quite an experience, but that's another story; being there in the times when there were no games you can learn many things.

One of them are its parks or natural spaces, it has many and one in particular is Piedra Bonita or Trilha da Pedra Bonita which in its translation is Sendero Pedra Bonita, it is a rock formation like the tepuis here in Venezuela, they are unique in the world and It's a show.

It is a wooded area, full of vegetation with a path for people who want to go to enjoy a spectacular view of its chasm, the climb is strong for those who are not used to walking, but it is not impossible, it lasts around 30 min. the ascent is done by a defined rocky path, there are also many signs so as not to get lost.

As I can see, there are many people who decide to go up, whether they are tourists for the first time or natives who go up frequently, this walk is ideal for a sunny day, it is recommended to bring something to eat and especially water because there is nothing inside the trail for sale, only at the beginning at the foot of the rock.

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It goes without saying that they must go up according to the site, with sportswear and good shoes; They do not charge you anything for the entrance and apparently there is lifeguard assistance if something happens.

Once at the chasm all that remains is to enjoy the view and rest, it is recommended not to go near the edge because there are no barriers and it is very dangerous, it would be a horrible fall and certain death, especially if you suffer from vertigo because it is very high . Abrir en Google Traduc

Trilha da Pedra Bonita is one more rock formation that can be seen in all of Rio de Janeiro. Its neighbor is Pedra da Gávea, another rock formation that is very touristy and famous because paragliders or icaros are launched from there to descend on the beach.

It is recommended to go down early so that the night and darkness do not catch you, and you can have all the services available in case you need it, be it a store or transport to return to your accommodation.

Once down, what remains is to enjoy the beach cooling off, a good meal and the view of that place.

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