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Hunted Hunter: Spontaneous photo session


When I normally use the word model, I tend to refer to the person in front of my lens. In the case of professional models, well, I give them the "label", but in the meantime... they are all my models. Even those who didn't expect to be.

This is the case of one of the photographers of our project. Musician by profession too, who has been accompanying us for a long time in our monthly safari adventures. Because of crazy things that sometimes occur to us, what started with a joke pose, resulted in several photographers portraying him. It was quite funny, because some of those poses were excessive and caused too much laughter for all of us. But that's what it was all about, to entertain us and have a good time, and while we were at it, he took some pictures for his Instagram Profile.

He was stoic all the time holding his own. I think that's easier for him because he has to take the stage in his life as a musician in a band. Few are the photographers who hold the role of model well, despite spending so much time with the cameras and fooling around a bit to be able to demonstrate the poses we want the people we photograph to do.

The reality is that we had fun with this completely instant session of a hunted hunter.

Cuando normalmente uso la palabra modelo, tiendo a referirme a la persona que está delante de mi lente. En el caso de las modelos profesionales, pues les pongo el "apellido", pero mientras... todos son mis modelos. Incluso aquellos que no esperaban serlo.

Este es el caso de uno de los fotógrafos de nuestro proyecto. Músico de profesión también, que nos acompaña desde hace tiempo en las aventuras mensuales de safari. Por cosas locas que a veces se nos ocurren, lo que comenzó con una pose de broma, resultó en varios fotógrafos retratándolo. Fue bien gracioso, porque algunas de esas poses eran excesivas y nos causaba demasiada risa a todos. Pero es que iba un poco de eso, de entretenernos y pasarla bien y, de paso pues se lleva unas foticos para su perfil de Instagram.

El todo el rato bien estoico aguantando el tipo. Creo que eso le resulta más fácil por tener que asumir los escenarios en su vida como músico de un grupo. Pocos son los fotógrafos que aguantan bien el rol de modelo, a pesar de pasar tanto rato con las cámaras y haciendo un poco el tonto para poder demostrar las poses que queremos que hagan las personas a las que fotografiamos.

La realidad es que nos divertimos con esta sesión completamente instantánea de un cazador cazado.






- Nikon d750
- Nikkor 50mm 1.8 G
- Wacom Intuos 
- Adobe Photoshop CC 2022
- Translated in:[](
