British Wildlife

Any wildlife photographers on here?? Usually im off shooting landscapes, the stars or just flying my drone but now and again I get the urge to shoot some wildlife, although it can be a pain in the ass. The amount of time put into these shots was unreal. Totally worth it though. Ill never forget when that big red stag walked out of the forest in Scotland just after a downfall of rain, but when that butterfly near enough landed on the head of that Barny I think that was one of my shots of a lifetime, well worth getting covered in mud laid on my belly on the floor. Yes very rewarding wildlife photography, need to get back into it. Maybe some mountain hare shots in snow will be on the cards next.

Canon 5dsr
Canon 100-400mkii f4


Float like a butterfly.jpg

The high life.jpg

IMG_7088 copy1.jpg

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