Boho Holly - Shot in Adelaide, South Australia by @holoz0r : Part One (6 images, plus behind the scenes!)

I've been editing images like a complete madman lately. I've had a lot of hits (and not many misses) - along with a busy schedule for running around doing all those things that enable me to continue functioning as a human.

This shoot was as always, a combination of natural light and flash from my favourite piece of equipment, the Godox AD200.

I've worked with Holly a lot, and we have an excellent working relationship, know how each other functions during a Photoshooot - so the flow and production of images is something that we can get into very quickly.

This was shot in a community park in the Northern Suburbs of Adelaide. We got a lot of good images out of this shoot, which I why I'm splitting this into two posts.


Here's a behind the scenes image of me capturing the above moment:


Sunlight streams in from behind where this shot is taken, and the flash lights up the foreground, and balances the sun, through the softbox. The softbox is held by the ever patient @ursa in this image.

Anyway, back to the real shots!






I focused on an editorial style for the majority of this shoot, ensuring there was plenty of light, to balance out the powerful sun that flowed in behind Holly. Light retouching took place on these images in Photoshop, with a small amount of frequency separation, dodge, burn, and lens / perspective correction.

Model: Holly Boon
Make Up Artist: Jay Jay's Glitz and Glam
Photographer: @holoz0r

Thanks for dropping by. Please let me know your thoughts, or if you have any questions at all about my process, ask! I love to share my knowledge. Feedback and critique welcomed!

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2 columns
1 column