Birb stalkin


There are birds that live on the roof of the house and they hang out on the poles and wires often. They hang out and make noise early in the morning and in the afternoon.


There are like two types of birds that live on the roof. I'm not a bird expert, but these are common birds in the Philippines. They have nests on the roof since I can also hear some tiny birb chirps... often times I would even see tiny ded birbs on the balcony. :/ There was this one time a young bird also landed just outside the door and it seemed dizzy or on "sleep" mode then it recovered the next day.


Pretty sure this bird is looking at me while I'm taking pics of them despite me being maybe 20ft away. They are such scaredy cat type of birds. One small noise or motion and they fly away. :D





They were on high alert when I was taking pics of them lol. Like gurl I'm not interested in yo kids or home.


Aside from those tiny birbs, there are also these pigeons who come to the balcony every now and then for whatever reason.



These pigeons I would see them often on the pavement... doing some pigeon things. Dunno what they always peck but it seems like they always have something to pick from the ground lol. I would say these pigeons aren't that scaredy cats unlike those tiny birbs. You can get quite close to them and they still won't fly away. This one stayed for quite a long time, maybe curious what I was doing. :D


Another type that hangs out is this Asian Glossy Starling (I guess). They look very smart and intimidating... maybe because they are. I would hear some random sound like a cat or a baby crying or screaming from time to time and I have always wondered where tf that sound coming from since it sounds close. I researched what these birds are and apparently they like to mimic sounds. So it was them!!! Crazy lol.


These mfs bully my cats (and other cats nearby lol). They make this shriek that's very different from what I usually hear. It would happen sometimes and it was loud enough for me to investigate and that's when I caught them in action... They would "dive" to the ground really close to the cat to scare them away while making that sound. They would not touch the cats nor get too dangerously close to them but they do that like 5x. Whenever I would watch them do that, I would see my cat looking at me like "yeah, they're bullying me, can you believe this :<". My cat wouldn't try to jump to attack them tho, I guess she is quite scared lol.


I do think they're really smart though. Just the way they observe us when we're outside. Like playing with Ethan or something. They know the dog and I were not a threat so they leave us alone.


They have such red bright eyes that's almost scary to look at.


I've always wondered what the others were but apparently it's the same type of bird, just juveniles.


Look at this teenager showing her butt!



They are free to live nearby but the only annoying thing is that they drop a lot of seeds that clogs the drainage outside. Also those seeds also grow when dropped on the lawn which is also hard to maintain.. and they drop poop as well lol.

Hopefully they don't start mimicking our doorbell otherwise that would be soooo annoying haha!

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