Where is Spring? | Day 1 | BloPoMo


Every day is gray!

Goddamn, I'm so done with this! For days I have only seen gray cloudy skies and the rain is pattering on my head every day if I even dare to stick my nose outside the door. Not that I could stay indoors all day every day now. Rain or no rain, it doesn't matter, my dogs have to and want to go outside. Even when it rains like crazy. But I'm slowly starting to wonder who the hell could have ordered this again.

It is really not possible to undertake pleasant outdoor activities in this way. I mean, after I've walked my dogs, and come home again as a wet dog that just got out of the shower, then I've had it again until the next round of walking, and I can go get another free outdoor shower. I'm not sure who's still having fun with this.

Hoping for an early spring

I had hoped that spring would be early this year, but unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. It is now April, and the spring feeling is still hard to find. Except for a few nice days, we haven't really seen spring yet. At least, that's how it feels. When I look in the garden I see the cheerful yellow flowers of a richly blooming Forsythia, and the Blue Grapes and red Tulips are also abundant. Some early flowering fruit trees also bear their beautiful white and pink blossoms, but even these first spring signs do not give me a spring feeling. And all because of the persistent gray weather, and temperatures that do not manage to pass 15 degrees. I'd almost start to think that spring has decided not to show up this year. In any case, it is far too cold, wet and gray right now to even think about spring.


April started today, and with April's arrival came @traciyork's BloPoMo. Maybe this BloPoMo can bring spring with it? In any case, I am not giving up yet and hopefully at the end of the month I can say that the sun and some warmth have arrived in our country. And believe me, that is much needed. I also hope to see more color in the sky, I'm tired of that gray in any case.

My goals

The BloPoMo is hopefully at least good at helping me get back into the rhythm of blogging. So when we talk about the first day of the BloPoMo, and what my goals are for that, I think it's to get back into the rhythm. Anyway, the month of March was the first month ever I think in which I didn't even write a blog. I don't recall this ever happening before, and I don't think I have any purpose in repeating this trick. So my goal for the BloPoMo this month is to get my inspiration back, get back into the rhythm of blogging, and yes, hit a goal I've had for a long time. Picking up my camera more often again, and expanding my equipment. Hmmm, that's a lot of wishes all of a sudden. Let me rephrase it a bit, and make my goals a bit more realistic… inspiration and blog rhythm. That should be enough for now. If I manage that again, it will be easier to work on the rest, it will continue in an effort.

Inflatable crocodile and go swimming?

As you can see in the attached photo, the first day in the month of April in the Netherlands is still gray. Just as the month of March was mainly gray and wet. To make it a nice day, in this gray weather, I might just have to find an inflatable crocodile to go swimming in the puddles on the farmland in front of my house, or in the ditch just in front of it. I think the dogs would be happy with it... and who knows, I might get some fun out of those dull gray wet days that way.

You now understand that this was an April 1 joke, the idea may be funny, but the implementation is definitely not going to be. LOL! It's just another gray day that I'm just sitting out and hoping the next day will all look better... And a day where I just do a lot of other things, which reminds me that I'm in Anyway, I have to go to the supermarket today. Making a filled loaf later, and watching a movie tonight with a snack and a drink.

Hopefully some sun tomorrow

Tomorrow? Hopefully the second day in my own BloPoMo series, for which my thanks to @traciyork for this initiative, and the accompanying ideas that hopefully also provide some inspiration. And hopefully SUN!

Fingers crossed, and have a nice weekend for everyone!

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