Small Creatures With A Big Impact On Our Lives



Today, let's talk about a small, yellow-black insect that has a major impact on our lives and our environment. And I don't mean The Wasp, I absolutely hate that, and frankly, I'm afraid of it too. But Bees, that's another story. We really need bees, so even though they can sting, and I will never really be very fond of buzzing insects, I try to do everything I can to have a so-called Bee-friendly garden. Why? You can read that below!

Bees are not only producers of honey and beeswax, but also play a crucial role in maintaining our ecosystem. We need bees very badly, and we will also have to really commit to the well-being of the Bee, because worldwide the Bee population is declining at an incredibly fast pace.

Diligent Pollinators

The Bee, for example, is of great importance to our food production because they are such diligent pollinators. In fact, it is one of the Bee's most important tasks. Pollinate flowering plants, making a major contribution to the reproduction of flowering plants. And without that pollination, no fruits and seeds. Imagine, 75% of all crops worldwide depend on insect pollination, and bees are by far the most important pollinators. You already understand, bees make a serious contribution to our food, especially fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

A Key Role in our Ecosystems

But that's not all Bees are important for. They have a key role in the ecosystem. They are even crucial for preserving our biodiversity. Without the most diligent pollination from the Bees, the flowers and plants are much less pollinated, and therefore less dispersed. Which means that in places a flower or plant can simply disappear completely. And if a flower or plant disappears in a place, it not only has consequences for the flora, but of course also for the fauna. The two are inextricably linked. If the flora in an area changes, the fauna will also change. Animals that depend on the disappeared flowers and plants will also disappear. Bees are therefore indispensable for maintaining a healthy and balanced flora and fauna.

Among all the different types of Bees that we all need, there is a very special Bee. That one Bee deserves a separate mention. This one Bee species, The Honey Bee, is even of direct importance for the economy. And you know, nowadays Economy comes before everything!

Economy Saviors

So why is the Honeybee important for the economy? Well, the name says it all. They produce honey. And honey has been a substance for centuries that we appreciate very much for its taste and the health benefits it offers, but these Bees also produce the well-known Beeswax, which is a substance that is widely used by us. We use it to give furniture a nice shine, we use it in make-up products, we make candles. And these are just a few examples. We use Beeswax for much more than I want to mention here. These are very important economic benefits that the Honeybee brings us.

Now, in fact, all Bees are important to our economy, because because they also pollinate crops in agriculture, we get higher yields and higher quality from them. And that, of course, has huge benefits for any economy globally.

We Need To Act NOW

But as positive as this all sounds, the reality is that the number of Bees worldwide is declining very sharply. We are not as friendly to the Bees as they are to us. Where they simply continue to do their job, we make the Bees have to deal with the loss of living environment as a result of our growing world population, and the urbanization that comes with it. Agriculture must be intensified to feed the growing world population, leading farmers to use more and more pesticides to protect their crops against other insects. The Bees are also affected by this. Climate change, and the diseases that are transmitted by parasites that can suddenly live in areas where they could not before. It all contributes to the decline of Bee Populations… Worldwide!

If you think now, I want to do something about that but I wouldn't know what, then I have some tips for you.

  • Do you have a garden? Then plant the flowers and plants that attract bees. Some examples of this are Lavender, Poppies, and Sunflowers. Do not use chemical pesticides.

  • If you don't have a garden and still want to do something, buy honey and other bee products from local beekeepers.

  • And try to support any plan for green zones in cities, and the banning of pesticides.

It's 5 to 12

We are unfortunately at 5 to 12 with so many things that it is just sad. We people really need to live more WITH nature, before it's too late and we don't have any nature left.


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