Feathered Friends - The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

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If you are Australian you understand immediately that this is a Cockie - or a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. If you are not Australian then chances are you a wondering what they wacky looking bird is.

They are common enough in Australia, or at least outside of the cities of Australia, so when I headed out of town last week it was not a surprise to hear their, frankly quite loud squawking. I also noticed that the airbnb we were staying at had a big plastic container of bird seed so I figured, lets lay some out on the railings of the balcony in the early morning and see if I can get any of these birds to visit - spoiler alert, they did

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These are not small birds, they are about 45cm centimeters tall and as you can see have a fair wing span, I notice as they come into to land the wings go out (showing the yellow on the underside) and the crest (or Mohawk) flairs out, like a plane with it's flaps up for landing.

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They are a curious bird, very intelligent, and they always seem to be giving you the side eye, and and questioning your existence, certainly this one was defiantly wondering why there was a strange guy pointing a camera at him

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And I do know they were male, as the Males have black eyes, whereas ladies have brown or reddish eyes. Also the red coloursing on the bird above is most likely from a tree, he has likely be sticking his peak into a hole, maybe to make a nest as it's almost breeding season in a wet tree and the tannins have rubbed onto his feathers.

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I have to say I really enjoyed my breakfast with these weird waddling creatures, they seemed to enjoy their various seeds I got some good photos.

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And then they went back to living their life in some tress

Cockatoo in tree (1 of 1).jpg

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