💜 Purple gold 💜

Good morning boy's and girls!

It were a busy view weeks here in and around the forest of Zeist! I went out to take pictures every day! Some day's I was out for sunrise and also went back to do a sunset shoot! It almost is beginning to looks like hard work! But the purple gold isn't here for long so I had to go out!

Yes I meant the heather fields. It was a difficult year for the heather in some place because we had a very long dry period in the beginning of spring, so the heather didn't have a great start!

But parts of the forest were pretty purple! And I had some amazing clouds and sunset colors here!


But that location looked a bit empty! Its always so nice in photography to have something in the for ground! Than you great more of a depth in the picture! But there were not many things that I could use here! I tried this dead tree! But now the heather is to far in the background! And the new grown tree is a but to busy for a nice composition!



Trees always do a good as a subject in photography, but this tree was a little to far in the heather field and therefor to close to the forest edge! I could get closer to the tree but you are not aloud to wonder over the heather fields! Than you will break the plants! this picture turned out okay! It already looks less empty than the first picture right?


And I tried to squad down a bit more! I wanted to get the nice purple plants into the foreground of the picture! Getting a bit closer to the plants does good for the color! But than the background gets moor blur! I didn't have my tripod with me so I couldn't get a smaller aperture to get the whole frame in focus! It get pretty dark quickly if the sun is already behind the trees and horizon! I see now that I took this picture on ISO 800 and F5. Again, I realize that I wasn't paying good attention to the camera settings! This new camera does so much better in high ISO than my old camera!




This part of the heather next to the forest edge was sitting in the shadows! then it's hard to get the color out!


I did find a nice spot this close to that with these nice yellow chamomile! at least it looked like chamomile, I dont know if it is! I forgot to smell it!


But I do like this one the best! A nice purple field against a nice cloudy sunset!


Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Pinmapple profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!

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