That magic place - Meet Up in the dessert

Light Painting Meetup in Arizona, White Pocket

Normally I am super-fast processing my photos and files. Here I share with you the "Behind the scenes video" of a Light Painting meetup from a few years ago. This was sooo over due. But now we have it.

Meteor Jam 2018. Looking for the shooting stars in the hope to capture them in our photos. Here you see our adventure into the night. What's special about this is the footage? Here we are showing our legendary Group Drone Light Paintings and how these were created. A truly joint effort led to two wonderful and unique drone light paintings. If you are curious have a closer look. The remaining shots are all by me. Of course, everyone got their own light paintings but that was for them to share.

Video Material: Natalia Cerqueira, Zach Alan, Gunnar Heilmann
Edit: Gunnar Heilmann

Thank you to all participants and friends of the night: Jake, Margarita, Ingrid, Reagan, Dan, Natalia, Russel, Juli, Zach, Derek, Andrius

Everyone did their part to make this a very special Photo Adventure.

Normalerweise verarbeite ich meine Fotos und Dateien superschnell. Hier teile ich mit euch das "Behind the Scenes Video" eines der coolsten Light Painting Treffens von vor ein paar Jahren. Meteor Jam 2018. Auf der Suche nach den Sternschnuppen in der Hoffnung, sie auf unseren Fotos festzuhalten. Hier seht ihr unser Abenteuer bis in die Nacht. Das Besondere daran ist das Filmmaterial? Hier zeigen wir unsere legendären Group Drone Light Paintings und wie diese entstanden sind. Eine wirklich gemeinsame Anstrengung führte zu zwei wunderbaren und einzigartigen Drohnen-Lichtgemälden. Wenn Sie neugierig sind, schauen Sie genauer hin. Die restlichen Aufnahmen stammen alle von mir. Natürlich bekam jeder seine eigenen Light Paintings, aber das durften sie teilen.

Video: Natalia Cerqueira, Zach Alan, Gunnar Heilmann Redaktion: Gunnar Heilmann. Danke an alle Teilnehmer des Abends: Jake, Margarita, Ingrid, Reagan, Dan, Natalia, Russel, Juli, Zach, Derek, Andrius


This post was partly triggered by @photofeed

Photofeed introduced a loooong missed Photo competition that features images from different continents. The first time this contest was public I shared a shot from White pocket. That was a rabbit hole that lasted until last night at 3 am. I found the video material that I always wanted to get a video done showing how cool our Meteor Jam was. Some 10h video editing later I got something I am OK with. Remember I am not a Video or Film expert this is really just a hobby level. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this little trip to White Pocket at night.
Thank you guys thats was awesome.

Photofeed hat einen laaange vermissten Fotowettbewerb wieder belebt, der Bilder von verschiedenen Kontinenten belohnt. Als dieser Wettbewerb zum ersten Mal öffentlich wurde, teilte ich eine Aufnahme von White Pocket. Dann wars vorbei mit mir, bis gestern Nacht um 3 Uhr morgens hats gedauert. Ich sag nur Rabbit hole. Viele Fotos und ein haufen Videomaterial hab ich gefunden und in dieses Video gepackt, um euch einen Eindruck von unserem Meteor Jam zu geben. Etwa 10 Stunden Videobearbeitung später habe ich nun etwas, zum herzeigen. Denkt daran, ich bin kein Video- oder Filmexperte. Nichtsdestotrotz hoffe ich, dass Ihr diesen kleinen Ausflug nach White Pocket bei Nacht genießen werdet.


Watch on Youtube



This video just confirmed my post on Why I love Light Painting

A while ago I looked into my history of Light Painting and this MeetUp was, of course, a mile stone along with my long history. Finally, I have also processed the material. Anyhow If you are interested follow this link for context.

Vor einiger Zeit habe ich mich mit meiner Geschichte des Light Painting beschäftigt und dieses MeetUp war natürlich ein Meilenstein neben meiner langen Geschichte. Schließlich habe ich auch das Material verarbeitet. Wie auch immer, wenn Sie interessiert sind, folgen Sie diesem Link für den Kontext.

Please check my page

Natalia and Jake set the cameras for the night shootings.




I hope you found these images inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.

If you think this is Spam, why did you read this far and why the fuck bother! Move on from your self-righteous mind state and bury yourself. Don't bother about what others may find interesting. Just stay in your bubble and ...

All there is left to say is Cheer Up!



Gunnar Heilmann Photography

If you are interested in more of my art please also see:
My NFT'S on Rarible
Website YouTube Facebook Page Instagram Feed


Since I am one of the cofounders of the LightPainters project, I also help and support the Light Painting community as a curator - not only on the Hive.

We are Light Painters

To help and support the LightPainters community here on Hive I would appreciate your delegation of HivePower. Any amount is appreciated. It does not require much to get started, we are happy for any gesture.

How to delegate?
Delegate 50HivePower, [50HP]
Delegate 250HivePower, [250HP]
Delegate 500HivePower, [500HP]
Delegate 1000HivePower, [1000HP]
All the Hive Power will help to upvote the artist's contribution as part of the LightPainters community.

If you feel like light painting could be interesting for you, feel free to check out this crazy bunch at LightPainters on Hive: @lichtkunstfoto, @stepko, @ryuslightworks, @marlasinger666, @lightandlense, @fastchrisuk @fadetoblack, @maxpateau, @lightstabeu, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @lacelight, @martbarras, @candelart & @rod.evans.visual
I am super happy that more and more find their way here into the hive.

Thank you so much!

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