A Dozen Beauties. Revelation Part II.

Personality revelation in a Camera Rotation Light Painting Portrait session with Queen Didi

Don't you have days when your mood changes every 2 hours? Well, then you probably understand this image very well.

The featured photo was also a result of the photo shoot with Didi from last week. What you see is an experienced model posing in many ways within one single exposure.

Respect Didi!

Wenn deine Stimmung so alle 2h wechselt dann verstehst du dieses Bild wahrscheinlich sehr gut.

Das vorgestellte Foto ist auch ein Ergebnis des Fotoshootings mit Didi von letzter Woche. Was Ihr hier seht, ist ein erfahrenes Model, das in einer einzigen Belichtung auf vielfältige Weise posiert.

Respekt für Didi!

What were the settings for the featured image?

What you see as Light Paintings are single 212 loooooong exposure time photograph. The camera was always set to ISO 100 and the LAOWA 12mm Zero D was set to F22.

Was Ihr hier als Light Paintings seht sind jeweils einzel Aufnahmen mit 212 Sekunden Belichtungszeit. Die Kamera war auf ISO 100 und das LAOWA 12mm Zero D Objektiv war auf F18 eingestellt.


Yes, but how?

Throughout the process Didi was standing at the exact same spot for all the 212 seconds of the exposure. I used the scanner to light her up. After that, I was rotating the camera only 30°. Then she chose a new pose for the next scan. The camera was open for the entire process so what you see is not a composite image but one with no Photoshop effects.

Während des gesamten Vorgangs 212 Sekunden stand Didi an genau derselben Stelle. Ich benutzte den Scanner, um sie zu beleuchten. Danach habe ich die Kamera nur um 30° gedreht. Dann wählte sie eine neue Pose für den nächsten Scan. Die Kamera war während des gesamten Vorgangs geöffnet, was Sie also sehen, ist kein zusammengesetztes Bild, sondern eines ohne Photoshop-Effekte.


Camera Rotation is what?

As I have shared with you in many of my posts about Camera Rotation. Yes, it is just the name suggests. During the exposure, the entire camera is being turned in a few angles and while doing so I also light up the scene.

Prinzip Kamera Rotation Light Painting?

Wie in einigen meiner Posts beschrieben ist Kamera Rotations Fotografie genau was der Name schon erläutert. Die Kamera wird einfach mitten in der Belichtung gedreht und dabei wird das Subjekt ausgeleuchtet.

When interested in this specific niche technique, there is an article I published on my website and here on Hive as a blog post. Linke below:

Neugierig? Interesse an Kamera Rotationen, dann dürft Ihr meinen Beitrag als Inspiration nehmen. Den Artikel gibt es auf meiner Website und natürlich hier auf Hive als Beitrag. Link unten.


Please find your inspirational Camera Rotation insights and inspiration published here on my website and here on Hive as a blog post.


I hope you found these images inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.

If you think this is Spam, why did you read this far and why the fuck bother? Move on from your self-righteous mind state and bury yourself. Don't bother about what others may find interesting. Just stay in your bubble and ...

All there is left to say is Cheer Up!


Gunnar Heilmann Photography

If you are interested in more of my art please also see:
My NFT'S on Rarible
Website YouTube Facebook Page Instagram Feed


Since I am one of the cofounders of the LightPainters project, I also help and support the Light Painting community as a curator - not only on the Hive.

We are Light Painters

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How to delegate?
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All the Hive Power will help to upvote the artist's contribution as part of the LightPainters community.

If you feel like light painting could be interesting for you, feel free to check out this crazy bunch at LightPainters on Hive: @lichtkunstfoto, @stepko, @ryuslightworks, @marlasinger666, @lightandlense, @fastchrisuk @fadetoblack, @maxpateau, @lightstabeu, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @lacelight, @martbarras, @candelart & @rod.evans.visual
I am super happy that more and more find their way here into the hive.

Thank you so much!

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