Nothern Lights Season is A Go!

It is the beginning of this time of the year when our nights get fully dark again here in Estonia which means that Northern Lights, also known as aurora borealis can be seen again. Two days again the chances for seeing these were great and I decided to drive to the nearby beach to get a great view.
When I arrived, I did see a little bit of the green glow.


As always, clouds are my greatest enemy on nights like this. It doesn't matter how great the lights are in the sky if the cloud cover is heavy then I'm out of luck. Unfortunately, some heavy clouds moved in and I saw that it will start raining soon so I snapped this photo of the clouds and left.

All photos are long exposures.

Later in the night, I was still up at around 2 AM. I saw from live cameras that new lights action flared up and I ran outside, at the front of my home and I was lucky that the sky had cleared up. I immediately saw the lights dancing in the sky.
It was not the best show I had seen by far but still pretty good.

The stronger action only lasted about a minute or so. Often strong aurora can appear suddenly and be gone as fast as it came on. Here are some more vertical photos I took.



The northern lights season is just starting so we have many months ahead when we have the possibility to see great aurora actions. In the next two years sun activity cycle is getting to the max so that increases the chances greatly.


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