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Content From Southern Iceland

In this post, I share some shots that are taken on the road in southern Iceland. Some random shots and places that necessarily don't need a separate post.

The first shot below is a part of the Eyjafjallajökull glacier that exploded in 2010 and troubled the air-traffic in Europe. You can see the top because there was too much cloud cover at the time.

Here you can see the Eyvindarhólakirkja, from there I took the first photo as well.

Taken on the road.

Rutshellir caves. There were several caves you could go inside, some of them quite narrow.

Skogar, the random shot taken next to the famous Skogafoss( pictures coming tomorrow ). I picture is quite dope I think.

Finally, a couple of pictures were taken in the Skogar Museum. there were several rooms inside the house that had a lot of historic equipment and stuff used in everyday life, also a boat as you can see.

Then there was an outdoor area that featured buildings that people used in the past. These living quarters are genuine and were there originally.

a church.