Runaway Bride *Part two

Good morning to all friends at Hive and all photography loversπŸ™ŒπŸ“Έ
Today I'm continuing on the Runaway Bride Part One, as I announced. It seems to me that today's post will not be as interesting as the first one, but it doesn't matter, I want to present it to you.
So, let's go!

The model is, of course, our Viki πŸ‘© (she did a great job in this role as well), the shooting location is an old, run-down factory in my town. I had to ask for written approval for the photo session. which I got. πŸ’ͺπŸ“Έ

The photos of the bride πŸ‘° on the rails are very interesting because I imagined it as an escape from marriage and commitment to something, a striving for freedom and walking towards the desired goal - freedom πŸ’–

Following are a couple of portraits of the beautiful Viki πŸ‘© as a bride πŸ‘° in black and white. I don't need to tell you how much she enjoyed this role, even though she has been married for years

As always, we have fun πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ and joke during our photo sessions. So here are two photos πŸ“Έ at the end of this post where I show you our antics during the shoot

So, the second part is finished. All photos were taken with the Olympus E-M10 Mark III and post-processed in Photoshop, the way I like it, without thinking too much about whether others will like it.
See you tomorrow, with the third part of this trilogy
Your @goga22

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