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A whole life in one photo

Good morning dear friends, today I am reporting as a prisoner of Covid, for the second time.😔
And in that spirit, today's post will have a strong name💪💪

I had the opportunity to see and meet this man way back in 2019 when I visited Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. After leaving the railway station, my eyes were drawn to the man feeding the pigeons in the square across from the station.😇💙

Considering that I almost never photograph people on the street (that's why my street photography is not really my thing), this view attracted me so much. I approached him and asked him if I could take his photo. He replied that many people take pictures of him without asking, so why not me, who approached him and asked him so nicely and kindly.💙

So, that answer totally "knocked me out of my shoes"😇

That look into space or into the past ..... That posture of his, on the one hand I felt the weight of a huge mountain on his back, and on the other hand so much strength 💙 and strength, determination and pride .....

While I was photographing him, I asked him if I could somehow help him and make his day happier 💙 ..... And dear friends, do you know what he answered?

Can you see his smile in this last photo? His reply was: "Dear Madam, You have already made my day happier because you treat me so nicely and are kind to me. It is not very often that people treat me so kindly. If you meant financial help, all the money of this world is not worthy of your eyes, which look at me with full respect and love, as if you were looking at someone of your own"💙💙

Oh my God .... And now I shed a tear when I think of it .... That's why today .... Here ... A whole life in one photo
Your @goga22
