Wind Turbines in the Philippines

Hello Photography Lovers,

In this blog, I want to take you to Saud, in North Philippines. This was a beautiful anchorage but can only be accessed in settled weather. When we anchored, we had fishing boats surrounding us and a huge farm of wind turbines in the distance that I knew I had to take a photo of, since I hadn't had a chance to really fly to the turbine.

DJI_0414.JPG Beautiful beach with lots of tourist as evident from the footprints in the Sand

The wind wasn't that strong that day so it made it easy to fly and film this Turbine. Rice fields are truly beautiful and are much different to the typical rice fields in Bali.

DJI_0406.JPG Another angle of the Wind Turbine

This was truly a magical spot and had some beautiful scenery, especially with the mountains in the background, which felt like we were in a completely different country. We really had these surprises throughout the whole of the Philippines; each corner had a different type of scenery.

DJI_0420.JPG Fisherman circling us for the 3rd time

It seems that lots of places have not been visited by cruisers. Which obviously brings curious fishermen who want to have a look.

DJI_0408.JPG Only Turbine in range about 2km away from where we are, as you can see the Small Dot on the Water.

Appreciate all the support I've been getting on my first post. Really means a lot, anyway just a short story today.

Stay tuned for more blogs, will be posting more regularly really soon.


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