Food Photography Session For Healthy Food

Food photography is one of the photography genres that requires a considerable amount of skill, ranging from technical camera understanding to lighting comprehension. Its main purpose is to stimulate the viewers' appetite and interest in buying the food being presented.

It's not uncommon for photographers to forget to make the food look appetizing, resulting in mediocre photos. This includes poor food styling and the use of improper props, causing the essence of the food to not fully reach the audience.

Since the beginning of my photography journey, food photography has been one of the genres I have delved into. I have learned about lighting and food styling, even though food styling is a different profession altogether. Due to limited resources, I had to learn food styling as a photographer.

Finding a food stylist in my city is almost impossible, so I have to set up the camera and the food by myself during food photography sessions. This naturally prolongs the photo sessions, with the preparation process alone taking 2 hours just to set up the lighting according to the desired mood.

Recently, I got a food photography project for a healthy food brand that uses organic ingredients. There were several sessions for this project, and I just finished the first one. Here are the photos.







During the photo sessions, I tried to do an on-point shoot, focusing solely on the main food object and not placing any other props besides the food itself. This makes people focus on the food in the photo.

The challenge in this photo session was time, as the longer I took the photos, the less fresh the food looked, making editing more difficult. I try to minimize editing as much as possible to work quickly on the next project.

I hope you like the photos I made. If you have any questions about how I took these photos or the camera and lighting settings I used, feel free to ask in the comment section.

Thank you and warm regards.

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