Movement XI: A Series of Photographs With an Old Nikon NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8 AI Lens and Some Philosophy Musings (Part Eleven)


The Movement Series So Far

Movement I | Movement II | Movement III | Movement IV | Movement V | Movement VI | Movement VII | Movement VIII | Movement IX | Movement X

Movement is such a paradoxical term. On the one hand, it symbolizes what it means, movement. Yet, on the other hand, its meaning is wholly opposite, it symbolizes stasis, static, and rigidity.

This series of photographs, in some sense, has taken this paradoxical nature to heart. It has become something rigid and static, yet, every installment is different, wholly new, wholly random.

In any case, I hope you enjoy this week's installment of this longstanding series of mine in which I scout for random trees and stems in the fynbos biome to take close-up photographs which also features their demise or impermanence.

Movement XI










Moving Thoughts: A Short Philosophical Essay

Reading the same book twice is impossible. But having the same thought twice seems to suffer from the same fate. One's mind is constantly changing, moving, never static. Death means that thoughts cease to move. But as thoughts get mulled over and over they are constantly in the process of change. They cannot be static, yet, there seems to be a grasp of familiarity in them.

This familiarity is a breadcrumb, a trace, a feather, that is left so that one might find the path one took so many times in a constantly changing forest. Yet, the feather, the breadcrumb, the trace, change with every other change. The forest constantly changes, but one is also constantly changing in accordance with the changing forest.

The trace, the feather, the breadcrumb, is constantly changing with thoughts that are on the move. Every new thought sends ripples through the mind, changing every aspect of one's previously quasi-static mind. With every ripple, there is a change, and with every change, more movement ensues.

The same thought cannot be thought twice. Having that thought will change one's whole being. Nothing will remain the same. One cannot think the same thought twice because with every thought the forest changes, and so also every trace, every breadcrumb.


The series has been repeated differently eleven times. I have not thought that this series would have continued so many times. It has changed the way I look at life. I am always on the lookout for these types of stems and trees.

It has become a way of seeing the world.

I hope you are well. All of the photographs were taken with my Nikon D300 and Nikkor 50mm lens. The musings are also my own. Happy photographing, be safe.

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