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Movement VII: A Series of Photographs With an Old Nikon NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8 AI Lens and Some Philosophy Musings (Part Seven)

The Movement Series

Movement I | Movement II | Movement III | Movement IV | Movement V | Movement VI

I cannot walk past dead timber without thinking about this series I have been doing. The series started with me taking a couple of images of driftwood on the beach one late evening. I never imagined that I would end up at a part two, not even to talk about part seven.

In any case, in this series, I take various photographs of dead timber or driftwood on the beach at strange angles and then I muse about them. They inspire in me a reflection on movement. Many philosophers have problematized movement, or action, or change. One of the oldest western philosophy problems is on change, can you step in the same river twice? Albeit more of a problem of identity, the implication is that movement is problematic.

In this series, I problematize movement via dead timber or driftwood. In the twisting and turning of the branches, I find inspiration to muse about what feels like stagnant movement. As per usual, I post the photographs first, and then at the bottom, I muse about them. Above you can find the links to all the previous installments of the series. Please enjoy!

Movement: Part VII

Movement: Musings/Philosophy

By moving, we test the limits of the impossible. We test the limits by moving along the edge, but by moving along the edge we create new limits on the horizon. That is, as soon as we get to the edge, the edge is no longer the edge. A new limit is created. Or the same limit just moved along. Further away. The impossible remains hidden.

The horizon is a paradoxical idea. It is important for movement. Without the horizon, we cannot move. On the edge of vision, the receding edge of limits resides. Yet, we can never reach it. It is paradoxical because we need it to move but we can never get to it. Our whole life is positioned at moving towards that paradoxical horizon but we never arrive.

We never get to the point where everything becomes one.

The limit is something impossible. We cannot reach the state, but with every movement, we take a step closer. We reach a kind of stalemate as soon as we lock eyes on the horizon. For as soon as we know about where we are going towards, it begins to recede. With every movement we test the limits of the impossible.

But one cannot stop this reciprocal relationship. We are locked up in space and time, perpetually reminded of our boundness. The limit lies just beyond our grasp, yet so close that we are reminded of it at every move.

This asks the question: Is movement possible at all?

That is, if we are permanently prohibited from reaching the limit are we not stagnant? Hence, what I call stagnant-movement. This might look like a copout, an easy answer. Not really. The limit is always moving away, every step I take the limit is taking the exact same step. On one hand, there is no movement, on the other hand, there is perpetual movement. We are left with this divide between the utmost impossible and the banal and inactive.

Metaphorically, we are not much further than where we started. Nothing much has been said, no apprehensible movement has been made. Yet, we have moved in some way, even if only to end up where we are now.


The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. Movement is an illusion, yet we cannot but help to move. I hope you enjoyed this rather philosophical post. All of the photographs are my own, taken with my iPhone. All of the musings are my own. Happy photographing and stay safe.