Macro Theme Photography Lovers Competition Entry: Movement in Dead Tree Branches

I have uploaded these images in previous posts to this community under the name "Movement" with some accompanying philosophy essays. I have read the competition entry and remembered some old theories in art I did, namely defamiliarization or ostranenie and chiaroscuro. Both of these elements play a huge role in my artistic process and I think it ties so well in with this week's topic of Macro. To me, the idea and advantage of macro is the ability to take images that create an uncanny and unhomely feeling in the viewers. You take photographs of everyday objects but due to the lighting (in my case the effect/technique of chiaroscuro) and composition, the viewer does not immediately know what he/she is looking at. Some of this is also due to the extreme level of focus point or low aperture. I am lucky and blessed to have an f/1.8 lens that captures extremely sharp images.

In my submission to the competition, I choose the 10 best images from my series which I titled "Movement". Both ostranenie and chiaroscuro play a huge role in these images. The focus point is "tight" or very narrow and some of the images have a very dark atmosphere. In any case, I hope you like my submission!











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