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Morning sun in the arctic

I tend to become quite insomnic during the summertime, it is caused i think largely by the fact that due to the northen position of Iceland, the sun hardly sets during the entire summer.

These nights create the most fascinating sunsets and sunrises. A few days ago i went out for a little walk at betwene 5 and 6, as the sun was rising ower my hometown of Akureyri, Northern Iceland.

It´s about 3 a clock in the night at the moment of writing and it seems to be becoming one of those sleepless nights. I tend to my #dCity a bit, entertain my wife and browse the internetz as the "midnight sun" shines brightly on us.

The red/orange coloring reflecting of the ocean, as an iconic boat (in-land) sits as a reminder of the nations fishering history.

Akureyri - Northern Iceland

I really really fell for the two boats, (obvius targets for photography) (such pretty boats). :) but maybe i "went a bit over-board" with the photoshopping of these one of "Duggan".

here is the original

there are more for coontent, surely free to use for non commercial purposes by anyone on the #hive blockchain.

i like this "angle"

Well what started out as a short post about my walk has turned in to sorting the images of that day and much more, i have really enjoyed looking over these photos with you guys, but i´m off to have some #pizza !pizza but it´s the "hottest" thing since #weed on the blockchain.

or Elon Musk,

Have a great day!

Eythor Photo