When the background matters more.

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There is a very strange correlation between the amount of free time I have and the amount of stuff that I manage to do finish in that time frame. The less I have to do, the less gets done anyway.
Procrastination should be my middle name...

Also the more time I have given the more it takes to pick photos or topic for the next post. A bit like "use the all the hours to the fullest! Choosing photos..." 🤦.

So that's my Sunday. Wasting it (without getting wasted) like a champ!
How was yours? :)

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Those were taken in Poland one early summer day. And I know the subject of those first photos might not be super attractive, but I figured it doesn't really matter if all I want is to catch the bokeh. I just need something. Anything to focus on.
Even though dry grasses, seed pods, faded flowers were always one of my favorite subject, they are not the star here.

The Bokeh is. And that comes from one and only - Mr Helios 40-2. He is a champ too!

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Few steps away some blue spruce tree (or alike) almost poked me in the eye.
So I shot it too :)

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And no, I did not cut my hand off ;)

Shot with Sony a7R + Helios 40-2 lens
All photos and text are my own.

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