The Art Snaps

Ever wanted to be perfect at something badly? Some talents are God-gifted and some are the result of hardwork. The latter makes you spend sleepless nights, keeps you on toes, makes you fear the failure; all this, if only there's passion.


I love playing with paint brushes and creating art out of colorful strokes. I wasn't born with the skill yet I always longed to acquire artistic skills. For the longest period of time, I couldn't take out time for this passion.


Lately, I am all about self-love and taking out time for myself and doijg things that I love. Painting is one of them. I am an absolute amateur. But I have made up my mind that I'm going to learn this skill now. This is one of the reason, you will see a lot of artwork on my blog. I will take you along as I advance in this journey.

I started painting with watercolors in childhood but never liked them. Soon shifted to Posters. They were a little better.

After decades, I was all about Acrylics until I saw some soothing tutorials of watercolors and I got myself a brand new set again. Now I keep switching between these two.

I skipped oil paints intentionally. As much as I like their end product, I refrain from using them. I'm an impatient soul and they take time to dry. This is one of the reason. I know it's lame, I should try my hand on those. Will definitely share here if I manage to create something reasonable out of oil colors.

I took these pictures while working on something. These are nothing close to professional photograhs but I believe each picture has a story of its own which goes beyond the aesthetics.

I welcome your constructive feedback.

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