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The story of every day: the sky as nature's backdrop

Hi, this time I'm glad to share with you some skies captured from my house, the truth is that some time ago I've been thinking about making a library of skies for photo editing; but I never end up deciding or over editing the photos and then I don't save the original, hahaha yes, yes I know. Pro enough of dramas, the truth is that sky photography is one of the things that passionates me since the sky itself is a natural phenomenon that surprises us with its beauty and variety that every day, offers a different show, depending on the time, the place, the weather and the season of the year. The sky can change color, shape and intensity in a matter of minutes, creating unique and unrepeatable landscapes.

One of the reasons why the sky changes so much is the presence of clouds, which are masses of water vapor suspended in the air. These are formed when hot and humid air rises and cools, condensing into small drops or ice crystals. Another reason why the sky changes is the position of the sun, which is the main source of light and heat for our planet. When the sun is low on the horizon, its light passes through more atmosphere and is more dispersed, creating reddish and orange tones that become those beautiful sunsets that we love. When the sun is high in the sky, its light passes through less atmosphere and is less dispersed, creating blue and white tones.

In summary: the sky is a wonder of nature that inspires and excites us. It is a work of art in constant change that we can admire from anywhere. We could say that it is the stage where the sun and the clouds interpret with their forms the story of each day.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

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