Market Parade

Last month I went to the last craft market, before the Christmas market and as it usually happens, I took a bunch of photos. There are always so many goodies that I can't take just a few photos. These products are different from what you can find in the grocery stores or the supermarkets. Prices are a bit higher as the products are of limited series, which is good as in case of accessories or fashion items, there's no risk of seeing every second person wearing what you have on the street.


Let's start with this colorful photo, which you most likely can't resist. Although my pantry is full of similar products, I'm always admiring the great variety or pickles, juices, jams etc. I love those colorful covers on the jars.






Here comes purple, which obviously means lavender. My relationship with lavender is a love-hate one and I need a lot of self control to be able to smell the products. Nonetheless I always admire these and have great respect for lavender, know how useful is. One day I might buy a soap. I'm developing some kind of addiction towards these handmade soaps.





Another trap for those who like pickles. I do, but because we have plenty at home ... I never buy any ☹️ I'm considering myself lucky as the bucket of pepper filled with cabbage at the bottom costs 20 euro, which is quite a lot. We can do that at home as we have all the ingredients in the garden. We used to, but not in the past few years. Maybe it's time to diversify a little. (In the meantime I spoke to my dad and he agreed, we're going to make similar pickles next year. So it's a done deal!)


If you don't know already, this is how garlic is stored at this part of the world. It is braided and hung up to dry. Unfortunately we never have enough to last for the whole winter as most likely the soil is not suitable. Usually there are a lot of products containing garlic, as it's a natural antibiotic, it's extremely healthy.




Honey can never be missing from any fair or market. This time I went prepared to buy honeycomb, as I know it's very healthy.

Honeycomb is rich in carbohydrates and antioxidants. It also contains trace amounts of several other nutrients.
Its main component is raw honey, which offers small amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals — but is composed of 95–99% sugar and water.
Because it hasn’t been processed, raw honey contains enzymes like glucose oxidase, which give honey antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
Such enzymes are destroyed by the heating and filtering used to process most commercial honey.
Moreover, raw honey is less likely to be contaminated with sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup and also tends to contain more antioxidants than processed honey.
Antioxidants are beneficial plant compounds that promote health, reduce inflammation, and protect your body against disease. Their levels may be up to 4.3 times higher in raw than in processed honey. source


This is a part of my shopping. I wanted to buy rapeseed honey as they say does not make stomach acid. I'm not a big honey consumer, but I like to have some home in case it is needed. Rapeseed honey is not very sought after, most people buy acacia honey, which they say it's the best and therefore it's the most expensive as well. Rapeseed honey has a strange taste, but not unpleasant. I like it.



And here's the honeycomb honey. This is from Hive 😂 Looks familiar? This is not cheap either, but has a lot of benefits, so I bought four boxes like this. Obviously you don't have to eat the whole box at once, one teaspoon is enough and chew it for 15 minutes. For me it serves like a preventive measure against cold. Right now I have pollen as well. Better use these natural products, then medicine.


And this was the cherry on the cake. SOAP!!! What else? I don't know why I'm so attracted to these soaps, but look at the offer. On the left, the reddish one is with red whine and it's for men. The other on the right it is with chocolate.


I can't wait to try out the chocolate soap. Right now I'm using one with calendula (I think), I need to finish that.

Next is the Christmas market, which is about to start next week, or this weekend? Most of these sellers will be there, but I'm hoping to find new ones as it's the festive season. Christmas is coming, they need to make the most of it. Let's see if I can take some cool shots.

So, I can't finish without asking you, what would you buy from here?

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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