Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Easter!

Today it's the 6th of April, which should be a nice spring day. Yet, this morning we woke up to snowing. This weather is unusual in April, but not unexpected. The weather forecast notified us a few days ago, but even so, snow should not happen in April. In other years seedlings were already planted outside. This year we had cold and so much rain that lands are under water, so there was no way to plant the seedlings outside. Better that way as this snow would have killed them all for sure. I think we need another two weeks till we can start grdening.


I took this photo 3 days ago, on Monday. It was a bit cold, but still, spring continued its course as flowers were blossoming.


The day before yesterday was raining heavily. Yesterday the rain stopped, but the raindrops were still visible on the leaves, not to mention all those tiny petals of the cherry blossoms were on the ground. These flowers are so delicate, heavy rain and wind can destroy them.


Today, instead of photographing flowers, sunshine and blue sky, I took photos like this. These berries somehow resisted during winter. It's interesting that one was completely dry and black and the other next to it was still red and looked like in a good condition. Then snow came and both got covered by snow.


This is a controversial photo, if you think of the evolution of the plant. Old berries usually dry and fall off before winter. Then snow falls on the branches. When snow melts, buds and then green leaves start to grow. Here things happened a bit differently. One berry dried completely, blackened but did not fall. The other dried a bit, kept its color and did not fall either. Snow came, snow went, buds appeared and leaves grew. Then snow came again :) The bottom line is, normally you should not see this setup, if nature follows its normal course. But what is normal these days?


This is getting funny. Look at how many colors you see here. Black, dark claret, brown and red and these berries grew in the same time.


A nice green leaf covered by snow. I truly hope there will be no significant damage and these buds, leaves can survive this cold and the snow.


The light was terrible as you can imagine, there's no sunshine while it's snowing. Apart from the first one, the rest of the photos are not edited.


This is the golden shower, which is known and loved for its yellow flowers. In late march and early April, these bushes are all yellow, like gold. Leaves only grow after the flowers are gone. Yeah, I know, it's a bit backwards, but that makes it beautiful as the bushes are all yellow.




Here I was after several failed attempt, due to lack of light. When you have no solution or nothing to lose, you try everything. I thought let's try using the flash. This photo is not edited either and looks terrible.


This pink cherry blossom is the most beautiful flower of the season. After the heavy rain and snow, most likely it's done.



I guess my plans of taking nice cherry blossom photos will remain plans till next year. If you'd like to see those lovely cherry blossoms, you should look for users posting from Japan or China. Most likely the weather over there is not as crazy as here. Better luck next year, right? Never give up, never lose hope. There's always a next time. Till there isn't.

So what is the weather like where you live? If you're in Europe, do you have crazy weather like this?

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