Art Everywhere

There's something I've been planning to do, but seems like never have the time to do it. It's a pressing matter as the more I procrastinate it, the more I will have to work on it. I've been meaning to clean my photo albums, delete the photos I don't need anymore and those that are not of quality. It's taking up place and there's no purpose in storing them if I don't need them.

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Doing that, I came across photos from different exhibition that I've never posted for various reasons. Today I decided to select a few and share them with you.


The Heart Of The Soil

This was a heartbreaking photo. Two old people working the land the traditional, hard way. That is hard work and imagine how hard it has been for them to earn a living. many only had a small piece of land or a few livestock and that was all. It's an excellent setup and a great photo, says it all.


The Price Of Gold

This is a nice photo but can't really figure out what causes the golden brown reflection on the water. I suppose there were some trees around, a forest with golden leaves, which is not visible on the photo. It's interesting that half of the water surface is golden brown, the other half is blue, due to the sky. It's rare to catch a scene like that.


Still Life

I've seen countless still life paintings and photos as well, but never one like this. White porcelain objects with a white background. The teapot also looks a bit frozen, which makes it even more interesting.


Carnival Farewell Party

The carnival period in my country is in February, the end of the month I think. There's a tradition in every village, there's always a party with games, pranks, songs, dance and good food obviously as food can't be missing. I see these women are throwing their handmade, hand embroidered handkerchiefs and scarf in the air, or just waving goodbye to the carnival. I love the angle from which the photo was taken, really original.


Winter In The Gyimes

This is a beautiful winter scene, but it's rare to find. You need to go high up in the mountains and snow is never guaranteed. With the climate change we are dealing with, snow is becoming rarer and rarer. The other thing that you can hardly find is untouched snow. Up in the mountains, where there's no traffic at all, you have the chance to photograph some. However, sled is also hard to find :) Once it was the only means of transportation, but since then, things have changed a lot. So lucky is the photographer who can capture such a nice scene.



This is a brutal but extremely good one. It's a human body, covered with glaze in a way that only the feet are visible, the rest can only be guessed. I was looking at the photo, trying to figure out how it's done as the model needed air, but the truth is, I have no idea. But I love it. These are photo compositions that I consider art. This scene was not just happening at the time of the photograph. This scene was created and someone needed to come up with the ides/concept and make it reality.


The Weight Of The Road

This photo most likely was taken somewhere in Asia as you don't see such scenes in my country. It's good though, has a lot to say if you know how to read it.




I saw this artwork in May last year at a textile art exhibition. I took a photo, never posted it and now I see I forgot to take a photo of the label. Not only don't know the artist's name, but also have no idea what this is. So it's a riddle as far as I am concerned. You feel free to let me know what you think. Don't be shy, your guess is as good as mine. Wait, I was able to find the label and it says Lausanne Dream. Can you see the dream here?


Jing Jang

The label said Jing Jang, but to me it looks like yin and yang. However, never argue with the artist or the organizers.





This photo is gold, says it all. Shepherd with his dog, who's his life long friend. They rely on each other 24/7.


Crossing Over

Man transporting logs. Not an easy job, especially when you only have one horse, a chariot and no road. The photographer caught the best moment I'd say.



Simple people can appreciate small things better. They know what true happiness is.

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