A Sublime and Beautiful Sunday with all seasons in one week on Cape Cod

Big white caps and sunshine after a week of rain and snow on Cape Cod

We've had ALL the weather this week, so I thought I'd make it my #SublimeSunday and of course Sublime Sunday and #BeautifulSunday are inspired by @ace108 and @c0ff33a

I'm enjoying this #sublimesunday today with warm sunshine. It's around 50 F and rather Spring like, but in usual New England fashion (well Coastal New England) we can run the gambit of weather in one week.


Snowy drive to visit family

On the way to visit My Mother in law at the beginning of the week we were visited by a lovely idyllic snowfall. That magical Cape Cod snow that will appear from nowhere with big downy flakes falling and filling the trees with tracery of white.


Snowy New England view from a pond side home

Once at mum's, who lives on a freshwater pond, it was magical. After the previous week of grey days of Spring like rain, the soft silence of white landscape felt so soothing. We drank hot chocolates and watched it pile up whilst sitting in the sitting room with a roaring fire.

Rainy day in a quaint New England village

The next day, we awoke to the sound of soft rain and the sky was soft grey pierced with rays of sun and glimpses of blue. The weather felt like Spring again and I had to hop into the village for a morning coffee at Nirvana, the great little local coffee house.

Sun returns with wind , whitecaps, and frothy seafoam filled seashore at home

And by the weeks end, the wind came up giving us blue skies, Candy floss clouds, and beach foam. Today, we've kept the sun, and the sea is still and quiet. We may have the tidal flats today with the newer moon, so it will most likely involve some mud-larking and collecting sea treasures for window ledges.

It truly IS a Cape Cod kind of #sublimesunday.

I hope wherever you are today you find a moment to find the sublime and do consider joining in with us next week.

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