Colourful And Sunny Sunday

Hi Hive friends.

Hopefully all of you are fine. This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108

Sunday is always special because it is a holiday and therefore this day is special so this day is good for us but here in our country Sunday is a holiday so all people are free at night. There is a rush at every place which is made for outing, so it was early morning and we wanted to explore a particular place to see what is going on in the villages at that time.

Since childhood, I find the view of sunrise and sunset to be wonderful, especially when we are in such an area where there is more green and no buildings, then all these views can be seen with one's own eyes. A lot of things are changing within the villages and in the same way we are seeing that things change with the passage of fortune,

So this thing is beneficial for all of us, the way the crop is changing now, first here. But they had planted tomatoes and such things and now the time of this crop is ending and the new crop is being prepared but here they had a lot of space so here they planted different varieties were planted, so here we were seeing that there was a lot of grass here because they need it for their animals,

And if they buy it from outside, then it becomes expensive, so these animals eat like this for the whole year. Rearing them and then selling them in the market, this business is also very popular here in our country and people like to do it because there is a good profit at the end.

Is the only thing that people like to eat here in winter and summer, so now it is planted inside most of the villages to work hard for this crop which is immediately sold in the market and the people. There will also be a good profit because so many things are expensive, now every person is worried, whether he lives in the city or in the villages,

So now things have to be thought out with a lot of effort. If we people want to live a good life, then we will also live a troubled life because it is a fact that no one is earning enough money to provide a good life to his family. As we went further, there was a preparation for planting a new crop here, as you can see in the pictures, and a little further,

There was another crop planted here, it was ready. People like to eat. The day before yesterday there was news that the chances of Trump becoming the President have increased so this is good and special news for all of us crypto community as we all have been waiting for a long time.

And now we will see that there is good news of ETF in the market and this news has also come so the coming time is going to be good for all of us so we have to be patient for six more months and then after that. We went for a while, then we saw some special things there, these were other crops, but it was very beautiful,

So after a while we sat here and we made these pictures and videos. The view should be shown in the video to you people and you should know how the people of the villages are living here, are they happy with their life or do they want to change it? Very happy in this life and want to live in the same way.

It has grown a little, so here we were seeing that wood work was being done. There is no gas here, so the demand for wood is high here in the rural area because someone buys and burns the stove. But such businesses have been done by people and their income is also good and in the next few pictures you will see that it is something like this.

They do not have to buy from outside, so they keep the animals with them, feed them in the same way and serve them a lot. When is the most relaxing when there are birds in the morning inside the villages and this is the most special sight that we go to see every week inside the village area and spend a lot of time there. Let's leave and live a peaceful life in the villages.

There is so much pollution here and there are many problems in life, so there is no problem there and life is very happy. They don't know what modern technology is. You have to get up, you have to go to your harvest, you have to work hard and go back to sleep at night, so this life is peaceful. The advantage is that the truth of other people is not known and every human being is busy in his life.

When they grew up a little, they were looking at very beautiful trees, their curtains looked very beautiful. Sharing with people, if you like their names, please tell them in the comments and if you also like this kind of tree pictures, I love to see such scenic things.

That's why I travel so long every week and seeing these things makes me happy and gives me an energy boost that gives me the courage to spend the next week full of tension that makes everyone feel better. Time should be spent in peaceful natural life, going there because of these trees also breathe better and it is also very special for our health.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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