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Exploring some natural beauty and peaceful places

Today's city life has become more busy and faster, so to recharge the mind one has to go to such places to see special natural sights so that the mind starts working properly again.Especially, there are so many problems going on inside Pakistan that people themselves do not understand how to live here, then in the same way, people here go to such beautiful places to get peace.

The Asia Cup is going on here and all the matches are in Lahore in Lahore and the match was against Sri Lanka and Afghanistan and whoever won the match was going to be in the top four and it was Sri Lanka. The Lankan team has performed very well and today the Sri Lankan team has moved into the top four and now tomorrow is the match between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

We started our journey early in the morning and we were lucky to see the sunrise again and it looked very beautiful and the place we went to was also a common garden. And there is also a beautiful tree here, so we left almost at five o'clock in the morning and reached there after some time.

Summer is about to end here with few days left and this is the last normal that is here and then its season will be over. Currently, the situation in Pakistan and Sri Lanka is similar, there the dollar is running at 330 rupees and now it has become the same here, the difference is that Pakistan has not defaulted yet.

On the way there were these two beautiful baby goats, they were so cute, so I took a picture of them too, they were exactly the same and when I spoke to the man, they were twins.

Among the trees, I like these trees the most because their structure is very beautiful and it makes one's heart happy to see them. Because of this, they become more beautiful.

You can see in this picture that this is a children's school and the education system here is not good at all, there are dirty schools. And here in Punjab, the school system is fine, but on the Sindh side, it is copied and because of this, the children are passed, and here in Pakistan, this degree has no value.

The people here are very hardworking, they do all the work themselves and get up at five in the morning. People in the city get up at 12 in the morning and go to their work. They are abused, they are not paid for their work and people buy things from them cheaply because they are very simple people.

People who are attached to the match from the heart, when the Afghanistan team lost, the players of Afghanistan were also crying and those who went there to watch, the people of Afghanistan inside Pakistan and those who came from there, all the people were very sad. Many were crying because their team could no longer go forward.

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