
Hello, everyone. I still have some photos from the zoo, and today I will share with you pictures of a pink bird called a Pelican.

This bird stood out among other.
While the other birds were in the sun, this respectable gentleman, the only one of the group, chose a place in the shade.

It seems to me that he is thinking about something...
It talks about some things, like transience or the meaning of life...
He looks too philosophical ...

No matter how much I asked him to turn to the other side or to raise his wing in order to take a picture in a different pose, he either pretended not to hear me... or could not tear himself away from his important thoughts even for a moment...

Therefore, there will be only two photos of this handsome man.

Most of all, I like the legs of this bird, it is not usual to see a bird with pink flippers, and even a pink bird in general....

This is not a usual colour for the animal and bird world.

But what a beautiful bird, it seems so gentle, kind and fairy-tale like "Le petit Prince".

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