Staying warm in this endless winter


It seems like I am on day 498 of winter. It snowed from Monday to Wednesday and today seems clear, but the day started off extremely cold for this time of year. When I woke up, it was in the low 20s and the real feel was in the teens. That is crazy cold for this time of year.

I think the cats are getting sick of this weather now too. They are so ready to go outside in the backyard and play. Keichi and Dusty both just sit at the backdoor staring outside wishing they could go out and explore, but neither of them are fans of the snow.

I am hoping that the ground isn't too cold today. I bought another apple tree that I want to plant near the Fuji apple tree I planted last week. After I bought and planted the first tree, I realized that it needs another apple tree so they can cross pollinate each other. I ended up getting a semi dwarf Honey Crisp apple tree. The semi dwarf gets a bit larger than the other one, so I am trying to find the best place in my yard for that one to go. I am quickly running out of space in the backyard.

It is supposed to warm up to 45 degrees today and up into to the 60s by the weekend. I just hope that it doesn't warm up too fast and flood everything here. This winter has been crazy and I am glad that it is coming to an end and so are my pets. Bring on the sun!

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