So much trimming


Cute little nugs


I have spent the past three days trimming the six Quad Grape plants and it has been so much. It is crazy how much these six plants have produced. Once they are more dried, I will give them a final trim and then weigh them, but I am hoping that there is close to a pound from them.


They already have an amazing smell that is very sweet and my hands have smelled like weed for the past few days now. Holding the branches while trimming gets my fingers very sticky and I found out that rubbing in your eyes while you have weed juices all over them kind of stings like if you had been cutting jalapenos and touch your eyes. It isn't the most pleasant feeling in the world.


I do have a lot of larger buds, but there are still some tinier ones like this as well. I was hoping for a lot less popcorn buds with the mainlining technique, but I think it is because I had some smaller branches coming off the main ones and those have a lot of littler buds on them. I have decided not to trim up the really tiny buds as much and I will be using those for infusions of oils and butters since I won't need to worry about having more leaves on them for that.


Overall, I am happy with the quad grape and I can't wait until it is ready to try it out. I will be germinating some Ghost Toof seeds from @bifbeans and I have more seeds being delivered in two days. In that delivery will be some Purple Lemonade, Red Poison, Green Crack and some others. I am looking forward to the Purple Lemonade and Red Poison because those should make some amazing looking colorful buds.

I will be cleaning everything over the next few days as I prepare for my next grow. I don't think I will be mainlining my autos anymore though because I think that may have hindered the plants. I think it is too much stress on autoflowers. One of these days I will grow regs but I really love the quick turnaround of these autos.

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