Saying Goodbye to the Best Dog Ever


You will be missed


Over the last two weeks, my dog's health has declined pretty quickly. He was in so much pain that he was losing mobility and was not able to go up or down any stairs. I had to carry him in the house each time that he went to the bathroom.


In the last few days, he was in so much pain that a lot of the time when he was standing he would just shake uncontrollably. So we made the decision to have him put down to end his suffering.


Luckily, he was able to have a lot of visitors in the last two days and they all showed him so much love. Harley was nine years old and we got him shortly after we moved into our home. Our kids grew up with him and all of their friends loved him so much.


This picture was taken when he was just about 8 weeks old and our daughter was like 9 years old. They spent so much time playing together over the years and he loved her so much.


Harley went on so many adventures with us. After long hikes, he would just lay in the backseat of the car and sleep with the kids as we drove back home.


Harley was very excited to see our son and was just full of energy while him and his girlfriend were here to visit him and say their goodbyes.


Harley's last day with us was filled with love and we gave him all the snacks he wanted. He had stopped eating his normal food, but he loved the snacks he was getting. His last meal was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We gave him a sandwich because they were one of the foods that he loved to sneak from the counter when we turned our backs to it. I don't even know how many times I made a sandwich and then got distracted by something and then came back into the kitchen to see that my food was gone.


His health was deteriorating very quickly and we scheduled to have him put down at our home. I figured that an in home euthanasia would be a better experience for him and us than going to a vet and having him put down. Plus we didn't want to have him pass here at our home in the middle of the night or anything.


We set up a blanket outside and brought his bed out there with us so that he was comfortable. We were able to get a mold of his paw print made and the Dr that came even shaved patches of his hair off for us to save as well.


Harley was first given a shot that eliminated his pain and allowed him to relax and be peaceful prior to his passing. As the medicine was beginning to work, we could feel that his pain was beginning to go away because his breathing wasn't as labored as before and he was able to lay down more comfortably. It was so nice seeing him be able to relax more and get comfortable.


My wife, daughter and I held his head in our hands as the second set of medicine was given to him. He passed very quickly after that medicine was given to him. Throughout the whole process, we were playing some of his favorite music, the sun was shining and birds were chirping. It was such a peaceful experience for him and I know that he could feel our love.


The Dr that came and helped us through this was the sweetest guy ever. Harley was moved to a stretcher and then wrapped up in blankets. The Dr showed so much love and care to him and it was just a great experience.


Harley was the best dog I have ever had. He will be missed but never forgotten. Even though he has only been gone for a day, I catch glimpses of him around the house. I am glad that his final days were so filled with love and that he isn't suffering in pain anymore.

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