Microdosing Magic Mushrooms


Photo by me

Going all natural


I have been looking at the many different benefits that psilocybin mushrooms can have when used in smaller doses. Many people have experienced increase concentration, improved mental health, creativity and many other benefits.

Now I am not talking about taking 10 grams of these bad boys and then tripping balls for 6-12 hours. I am talking about using 0.5 to 1 gram of the mushrooms at a time. There have been a lot of studies with combat veterans and the benefits of microdosing shrooms.

It is crazy how quick people are to be on board with medications that have a long list of side effects, but when you mention using cannabis or psilocybin mushrooms as an alternative to those medicines, people look at you like you have a dick growing out of your forehead.

These mushrooms have bene used for centuries to treat all sorts of things. They have also been used by people to "expand" their consciousness. I can't wait to see how things go and how they can help.


Photo by me

I chopped up 1 gram and mixed it in with some orange juice. I have heard that the flavor isn't the greatest and a lot of people mix it in with juice. I tasted some of a stem and it wasn't bad, but drinking it is a lot easier. That was about 30 minutes ago, and I am beginning to feel some changes to my mental state and body, so I will end this here. I will probably do a more in depth write up about the whole experience later.

Thanks for taking the time check out my post and images. You are awesome!

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