Magical Sunrise


A great start to the week


It isn't too often that we have these beautiful sunrises. I really like the pastel colors that paint the sky as the sun rises up over the mountains.


These types of sunrises don't last too long. The really vibrant colors are usually gone within 10 minutes, so it is pretty cool when you are able to witness it.


This weekend was pretty busy. My mother in law came and visited for the weekend and I smoked a brisket for the first time.


I was always pretty nervous about cooking a brisket, but after 16 hours of cooking, it turned out really good. For Thanksgiving this year, I am planning on smoking another brisket, so I wanted to make sure I had an idea of how to do it and how long I would need for it to finish.


Saturday night at around midnight, I started cooking the brisket. I had to set alarms every two hours throughout the night so I could wake up and spray the brisket with water to keep it from drying out while it slow cooks. After 12 hours on the smoker, I wrapped it in butcher paper and it went into the oven until it got to the perfect temperature. It turned out awesome and I am looking forward to smoking another one for Thanksgiving. I am going to have to take pictures of the entire process and make a post dedicated to that because it is an entire process to make a good brisket.


The sky has been pretty cool lately. Have you ever seen a rainbow cloud before? When my wife and I were on our walk a few days ago, I saw this rainbow cloud in the sky. They aren't very big, but they are pretty interesting.


Here is another picture I took of it after lowering the exposure. You can really see the colors in this one. The past few months there seems to be a lot of strange solar activity going on.


I hope you all have a great week. Make sure to go outside and touch the ground. Winter is quickly approaching here and the cold makes it hard to get out and enjoy things, so be sure to take advantage of the opportunity before it is too cold and dreary to be outside.

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