Last snow of the season


So ready for spring


The weather this winter has been a bit odd. We didn't get as much snow as last year and the temperatures haven't really been that cold. We had a huge storm roll Utah through early yesterday afternoon and it snowed a few inches here where I live. Up north where my sister lives, she got about twice as much snow as we did.


I am so ready for some sun. I am sick of the grey skies and cold weather. I can't wait to be able to spend most of my day outside in my backyard.


The boulders in my backyard look pretty cool with snow on them though. I really like the different colors of the rocks against the white of the snow.


I also can't wait to see how my apple trees do this year. They won't be producing any fruit this season, but they should have some flowers that appear. They do have little buds forming on them, which tells me they are getting ready for spring. It will be cool to see them covered in leaves soon because they look sad with just a bunch of bare limbs.




I am so ready for fire nights on my fire pit. I am really glad that we put this in because we have used this fire pit so many times and have some fun memories that we made around it.


I think Harley is done with winter as well. He is not a fan of the cold and prefers to only be outside for short periods of time and then he comes inside and snuggles to get warm.


Titus on the other hand, he prefers to stay outside in this weather as long as he can. He loves to lay in the snow and cool off. It has been nice during the winter because he hasn't been shedding that much, but that is gonna be changing soon and I will be brushing him multiple times a day to get rid of his winter coat. The birds love when I brush him because they come in and take his fur and make nests.


I can't wait for the weather to warm up and for the sun to come out more. It is going to be fun getting our backyard set up as a fairy garden and make it a magical place for our little grandkids to play in.

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