Here goes nothing


Photo by me


The past few days, I have been germinating a cannabis seed and it is finally ready to move to its new home. It took about 4 days or so for the taproot to come out. I had it wrapped in some moist paper towels and had it in a cabinet where it was dark.


Photo by me

Everything I had read was saying that I need to keep the temperature between 70-90 degrees for the germination process. That is pretty warm, especially in the winter time here, so I kept it as close to 70 as possible without making my house too hot.


Photo by me

So here is the new home that the seed has been moved to. I pushed a pen in the dirt about a quarter of an inch or so and carefully placed the seed inside the hole and covered it up. I will be misting the soil for the next couple days with a spray bottle to keep it from getting too dry.


Photo by me

I've got some grow lights that I am going to keep it under so that it has some light. I am hoping that it still sprouts in the next week, but I think it may be too cold for it. I am doing this more as an experiment to see if I can grow some weed here in the winter.

I am going to be ordering some more seeds as it gets closer to spring, so hopefully this will give me a bit of experience with growing cannabis so that I will know more of what to do when I have a bit more plants I will be managing.

The whole purpose of the cannabis that I am going to be growing is so that I can cook with it. There are a lot of cool cooking with cannabis shows that I have been watching lately and it would be fun to cook with and if I have a stash that I am growing, I won't worry too much if I mess anything up in the process.

So here goes nothing on my cannabis growing journey. I hope that everything works out with this plant.

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