Hanging out with the ducks behind my house


Taking flight


A few years ago, our daughter's friend in the neighborhood got a male and female duck as pets. She had them until they reached adulthood and then she let them go from her yard.


Now every springs, they come back and make their nest in the canal behind our home and they usually have 3-5 little baby ducks that hang out with them throughout the summer.


We have always wondered about where the babies go in the fall because we never see any of them return, its always just a male and a female that come back every spring.


But this spring, the male and female have returned. There are also three male ducks that showed up and we are guessing they are some of the babies from the previous year.


When I was walking my dog earlier today, I saw the three male ducks in the canal. I have always wanted to take pictures of them, so when I was done with the walk, I grabbed my camera and headed back out to the canal hoping that they were still there.


The ducks were pretty weary of me and didn't let me get too close to them. I am going to have to start bringing some duck food or something so that they get more used to me. I was able to get some pretty cool shots of them.


I am hoping to bring my camera along with me during my walks more often because there are so many cool birds and other wildlife in the area. Wildlife photography is a lot of fun and I am hoping to get the chance to do more of it soon.

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