Friday night was one of the best nights of my life

I love going to raves with my family


This past weekend, my wife, daughter and I went to the LSDream rave and it was such an amazing experience. We had been looking forward to this rave for a very long time because it has some of our favorite artists performing.


The first DJ was Equanimous. He was someone that we had never heard of before the rave was announced, so we had to look him up on Spotify so that we would be ready for his performance. It is always so much better when you know the songs and are prepared for it.


He has a bunch of songs that we grew to love over the past few months of listening to him to get ready for the rave, so we were really looking forward to his performance. When he started, it didn't go as I had expected it to. Normally they just mix a bunch of their songs together, but he was playing a bunch of stuff that I had never heard before and it was just a long mix. He was also singing and beatboxing into his mic as he mixed and at first, I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but about halfway through, I really started to enjoy it.


Seeing him perform live was so cool. His set had a lot of nature sounds and it was a pretty spiritual experience about love and connection with the earth. It was such an amazing way to open the rave and get us ready for how great this entire night was going to be.


Next up was Zingara. She is a DJ that I actually found on Tik Tok a couple years ago and have really fallen in love with her music. She has a song called Astra that is a pretty much a psychedelic meditation/adventure through the cosmos.

I was contemplating doing some mushrooms during the rave, but ended up just having some Blue Dream weed while I was there. I was pretty high during Zingara's entire set and it was such an amazing experience. The mix of visuals alongside her music was so cool. She is definitely an artist that you need to see perform live to really understand how amazing it is.


It is hard to describe the bass during her set. It was so much stronger than Equanimous. The bass hit so hard that I could feel my head and body vibrating. One of the cool things about this music is how it uses vibration and frequency heal your body and mind.

I was so high during this set and all I could think about was how this was more of a religious experience to me than any traditional church setting. Something about connecting to the earth and everyone and just feeling love makes so much more sense to me than any sort of religion. I loved looking around and seeing smiles on everyone's faces while they experienced Zingara.

As I was looking around the crowd and seeing everyone enjoying the night, I was thinking about how so many people there were on drugs that the government deems so bad, but there were no problems with people fighting or anything there. I have been to so many concerts that got pretty scary because people were drinking alcohol and just got stupid. Raves are all about peace and love and the drugs people are doing there are so much better than alcohol. Psychedelics are all about inner work and love and can really give you such amazing personal experiences, especially when coupled with the rave environment.


Once Zingara was done, it was time for LSDream to perform. As he started, I had the realization that LSDream was the very first EDM artist that I listened to when I had mushrooms for the first time. I have a very strong relationship with psychedelic mushrooms and it was so cool to be able to see the person that helped me get started on my journey perform live.

LSDream's visuals were amazing. It was really a journey through the cosmos and inside your own mind. One of the things I love most about raves is that it is an experience that is personal and totally different for each person there. People go to raves to not only have a good time with friends and family, but to also heal from traumas in their lives.


There was a guy next to us that was probably in his 50s and this was the first ever type of event like this that he has gone to. He had just barely left a religion that he had grown up in and he had the biggest smile on his face during the entire rave. I am sure it was an experience that he probably never thought he would have gotten and he will remember it for the rest of his life. There is nothing quite like your first rave, especially after escaping being in a religion that held you back in your life. It is such a freeing experience.


Without going into too much detail, things have been pretty hard for my family this past two months. We have some pretty big things that we are going through, but things are looking so good for us. Being able to be at this rave with my wife and daughter was the best thing ever. We would have loved to have had our son with us, but he is busy doing some pretty amazing things in his career.


Having my two favorite women in the world with me for this experience was truly the best thing ever. It really was one of the best nights ever. If you have never been to a rave, I would highly suggest it. It is one of the most freeing and amazing experiences ever.


The world is a beautiful place. Go out and make memories with your loved ones.

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