A Million Diamonds On The Beach

Love or Money..?
Nothing is better. I would choose both, because love and money go hand in hand, all need each other, like you eat but don't drink. How does it feel? That's roughly.

Love is a very deep feeling, with love we can get money, with love we can be happy and with love we can revive a family, because love is a feeling not something that can be traded.

But in this life. There are many people who fall in love with a form, for example, I have a feeling of love for nature, starting from the way I see and have a feeling of "LIKE" so that I become in love with nature.

There are people all over the world, who love everything they see Like.

Horseshoe Flower. Who has a million charms

Conch petals, which have a strong desire and beautiful diamonds to look at

Every picture I take contains a thousand meanings, so I managed to shoot it with feeling love 😁

hermit crab. Who has a diamond soul in his life

This is what made me fall in love with nature, because nature has a million uniqueness

A million inspirations and love that we have to hold on to at all times. Money can buy everything but money can't buy love or passion. Love and money are needed by every human being.

Camera | Smartphone Realme XT || Lens | ApL Hb-100 || Iso | 100
Photographer | By Me @dayat92

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