Meteor Hunting....

In what seems like the first clear night in months, I decided to sit out on the garden and do a bit of astronomy.
I got my telescope out but never used it as I wanted to photograph or try to photograph the Perseids meteor shower, although it has passed it's peak, I think I've managed to get the shots I wanted.

Shot in a light polluted area, especially now the neighbour has fitted some lights on a building in the garden, they are extremely bright, I am more than happy with the shots I've managed.

I went into the garden around half 9, and it was still a bit too light for photography, so I just sat there, watching the stars slowly appear as the night moved in, it was lovely, no need for a coat, perfect for t-shirts.
While I was waiting, I put the light on my phone and went into the greenhouse, I was amazed at all the spiders that came out at night, I did take a couple of shots, but nothing brilliant as I was shooting in the dark, but I think I may get in there with my macro lens another night.

I have to admit, I really do love astrophotography, this is one of the reasons as to why I bought a DSLR all those years ago, but my older cameras can't beat the Sony that I am using now days.

All images shot using a Sony A7iii and a inexpensive Samyang 14mm F2.8 lens, shot at f2.8 at 13 seconds exposure.

I really need to get into a dark sky area before the milkyway season is over, so watch this space (pun intended lol).

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All the best :-)

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